Film library » 2024 » NARRATIVE SHORT » Film details
Superstition - still #1


NY Premiere

Director: Zhengchao Xu

China, 2023, 26 min

Shooting Format:Digital

Festival Year:2024

Category:Narrative Short

Cast:Hongyang Deng, Danyang Ma, Zuodan Liu

Crew:Writer: Zhengchao Xu. Producer: Meng Zhang.


The stubborn man Deng is obsessed with the woman Hong Hong; Hong Hong is obsessed with the master; the master is obsessed with his own magic; the "spell" reflects the three of them...

About the director

In 2009, the work "A woman,a gun and a noodle shop" written as a screenwriter was selected as the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival; in 2020, the work "Dawn and Twilight" written as a screenwriter was selected for the Venture Capital Award of the China Golden Rooster Film Festival

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