Film library » 2024 » NARRATIVE SHORT » Film details
Dom Juan - still #1
Dom Juan - still #2
Dom Juan - still #3
Dom Juan - still #4
Dom Juan - still #5

Dom Juan

US Premiere

Director: Hekuran Isufi

France, 2024, 16 min

Shooting Format:Digital

Festival Year:2024

Category:Narrative Short

WINNER: Best Actor Male

Cast:Naim Bakhtiar, Tayafe Barka, Ryad Ferrad

Crew:Writer: Hekuran Isufi. Producers: Adèle Galliot, Florian Séjourné. D.O.P: Sirine Yahiaoui; Sound: Tiphaine Depret; Edit by: Emile Marzbani; Original score: Valentin Breton


Ayman and Bilel are street peddlers who trick women abroad with Western Union scams. Bill is worried as Aymand is scamming the wrong sister. Despite his friend's warnings and a mysterious call to prayer from above, Ayman is going down a dead end road.


About the director

A Kosovan former student of La CinéFabrique in the screenplay section between 2019 and 2022, Hekuran graduated with his graduation film We buried our fathers, SACD prize at the Clermont Ferrand Film Festival 2023. He later directed Dom Juan, an adaptation of Molière, on two street vendors living scams via Western Union, in which he explored more deeply his favorite themes such as religion and immigration. He is currently developing his next short film The sky will fall but first you will dance!.

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