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Garden In The Sky - still #1

Garden In The Sky

NY Premiere

Director: Chenyang YIN

China, 2023, 21 min

Shooting Format:Digital, ARRI Alexa Mini

Festival Year:2024

Category:Narrative Short

WINNER: Best Producer

Cast:YANG Yu Xin, WANG Qing, Yuan Li Guo

Crew:Writer: YIN Chen Yang Presented by: William WEN Producer: Zoe XUE Cinematographer: ZHANG Lei Gaffer: LI Hai Jun First Assistant Director: KONG Ling Kai Sound Designer: DONG Ling Bo Art Director: SONG Wen Kun Editor: Rou Ning TEH, YIN Chen Yang


As teenager Zuo Tong accidentally discovers that his mother may be cheating, he puts her through a harsh mental trial. Amid this process, Zuo Tong gradually realizes that he's shattering another family with his actions.

About the director

YIN Chenyang is a young director who was graduated from Northeast Forestry University in 2014 with a major in Vehicle Engineering. Fueled by a passion for the film and television industry, he immersed himself in various roles including photography, editing, and CG animation production, which have served as a solid backbone for his future career.

Since 2016, he has been involved in internet film production, participating in the planning, screenwriting, directing, and editing of several internet films over the past six years. Familiar with various film and television production processes, Yin possesses strong creativity and execution skills. Throughout the years, he has maintained a responsible attitude towards his work, diligently telling every story and crafting each frame, ensuring that every project radiates its inherent value.

In 2023, Yin Chenyang completed studies in the Director’s Program at the Beijing Film Academy

Filmmaker's note

Growing up in Harbin, my childhood echoes mediation in my parents' conflicts, a humble attempt to preserve the concept of 'family'. Adolescence ushered rebellion, revealing my mother's emotional infidelity, a haunting confrontation that fostered guilt and a quest for reconciliation.

This film transcends personal challenges. It's an exploration of intergenerational disparities in perceptions of love and marriage. 'Garden In The Sky' unveils emotional intricacies, contrasting modern values with traditional ideals.

Set in Chongqing in 2003, Zuo Tong and Jin Canyue's unspoken arrangement births a familial bond. Zuo Tong's selfishness, stemming from family dependence, shatters his mother's sanctuary, while Jin Canyue embodies a tragic struggle, challenging desires for family.

This narrative delves into characters' emotional landscapes, centering around the vegetable garden symbolizing a mother's escape. Through their ethical dilemmas, the film seeks audience empathy.

This statement encapsulates the film's genesis, emphasizing thematic exploration over personal struggles. 'Garden In The Sky' isn't merely a personal tale but a reflection on societal shifts and emotional complexities.

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