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The New Girl - still #1

The New Girl

Director: Madeline Frederic

United States, 2023, 5 min

Festival Year:2024

Crew:Editor: River Zahir. Film Instructor: Kevin Quinn.


When Eva arrives at her new school, she struggles to make friends. It's only when Charlie, a boy in her class, reads her notebook that he discovers why.


About the director

Madeline Frederic is a Sag Harbor based writer, director, and cinematographer. She has produced 3 films including The Slide, The Double Agent, and The New Girl. This year The New Girl is an official selection of the KIDS FIRST! Film festival in Sante Fe, New Mexico. Recently, Madeline was the cinematographer of a film named Unplugged. Madeline is working on another film, Fire Drill as the director and cinematographer. Madeline enjoys making films about overcoming obstacles.

The idea for The New Girl came to me because of all peoples’ unique and diverse qualities, but what it really all comes down to is we all need a friend. Just like how we always strive for kindness and acceptance, our film reflects on our community and how we truly connect with one another.


Age: 13+

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