Director: Paola Charuand Lara
Cast:Marisa Larios, Gerardo Rodríguez Gerko, Alberto Ornelas, Luz Elena Cueto, Irina Escobedo
Crew:Production: Lilette Chaurand Lara, Marisol Tanda - Editor: Uri Espinosa Cueto - Sound: Iván Morales: - Soundtrack: Saúl Ledesma
Sales:Estrella Araiza, Universidad De Guadalajara - México - T: +523338338505
An elderly villager, is about to pass away. His state of health is severely fragile, but he mantains all his strenghth to stay alive. His family, Damiana and Cipriano, upon seeing that the harvesting season is about to begin, decide to give him a burrial date, without taking into account the strength of the old man against death.
About the director
Paola Chaurand Lara was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, in 1977. She studied Audiovisuals Arts at the University of Guadalajara and then Photography at the "Instituto Cultural Cabañas". She is a member of the Nahuyaca Films.