Director: Dane Webster
Crew:Original Score: Ico Bukvic
Sales:Dane Webster, Pearisburg, VA, USA - T: 540-921-3108
The film explores ideas of creation myth and evolution through the use of various systems of motion applied to a human arm. This animation uses procedural and systematic approaches to animated motion to explore the viewer's notions of gesture and the perceived emotions that are related to those gestures.
About the director
Dane Webster is an assistant professor at Virginia Tech teaching all levels of computer animation for the School of Visual Arts as well as a member of the Collaboration for Creative Technology in Art and Design (CCTAD).
Dane Webster's filmography
- A SIXTY SECOND TRAGEDY, 2003 (Festival 2004)
- WITH DELICATE RISK, 2007 (Festival 2008)
Ico Bukvic (Original Score), is an assistant professor at Virginia Tech and member of CCTAD, teaches music composition & technology and is the founder and director of the Digital Interactive Sound and Intermedia Studio (DISIS).