Dear Filmmakers-
Greetings from the Brooklyn Film Festival PR Department and congratulations! It is the PR Department’s mission to publicize the Brooklyn Film Festival’s film programs and events. Our goal is to create a true buzz around the festival and all the participating films leading up to and during the actual festival.
There are some very important protocols to follow. To guide you, we’ve created the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below:
Q: What Press Materials do filmmakers need to send and by when?
Email to the following materials ASAP, but no later than May 5th
» always enter THE FILM TITLE in the subject of all emails to the festival!
- Password protected, private/confidential VIMEO SCREENER LINK of your film (please make sure settings are set to NOT downloadable.)
- Link to HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGES (must be 300 DPI for print coverage purposes/72 DPI is only high enough for web/online) from your film (Online sharing services such as Dropbox are OK). With the files include a separate Word document or PDF containing photo captions and credits for the images that you are sending.
- PRESS KIT (as PDF file).
Q: When can a filmmaker and/or their publicists start publicizing and promoting their film’s acceptance into BFF?
A: You can begin publicizing and promoting your film’s acceptance into BFF with press and on social media (ie. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) after we have sent out our official Film Lineup Press Release and have published your film’s web page. We usually prepare the web page shortly after you have confirmed your participation and completed the “Step 2: email the materials needed to prepare your film’s web page to”
Q: What if your film has distribution and will eventually have a theatrical release? Will BFF submit your film to the media for full reviews?
A: No. BFF only submits screeners of its films to local news dailies & weeklies, TV & Radio, and online/blogs for festival curtain raisers (which are essentially capsule reviews or festival highlights/picks) and other feature coverage about the festival. Our Official Press Release announcing the film line-up (see Question above) will have a note in it that says “All films are embargoed for full reviews. Only capsule reviews, curtain raisers, festival highlights/picks and features will be permitted.” It will be up to you as the filmmaker and/or your publicist (if you have one) if you want certain press outlets to review your film in full.
Q: How do press receive accreditation to attend and cover BFF?
A: Online pre-registration is required and is admissible up to one week prior the start of the festival. Accreditation is by no means immediate and is subject to the approval of festival organizers. If a press accreditation request is approved, that person applying will be notified by email with a confirmation. The link to register for press accreditation is:
Q: Does BFF have an Accredited Press List that we share with filmmakers/publicists?
A: Yes! This list consists of only press who have pre-registered for press accreditation (see above) and have been approved for their press coverage purposes. The Press Accreditation list will become available upon request to our filmmakers and/or their publicists once we have announced the festival line-up in the 1st or 2nd week of May. We kindly ask you to keep all press contact information confidential, and be respectful of journalists and film critics when pitching for your targeted coverage purposes.
Q: Will there be any advanced press screenings for films showing at BFF?
A: No, there will not be any advanced press screenings.
Q: Does BFF arrange for any interviews for the filmmakers/actors/subjects, etc?
A: No, but we will forward any interviews requests directly to you or your publicist for you to arrange and coordinate. The BFF PR Department pitches the overall festival program and events to maximize exposure and build buzz in advance of and during the festival by procuring curtain raisers (festival preview features) and capsule reviews/film picks/highlights with local media including print dailies & weeklies, TV & Radio, and online/blogs. It is understood that the Brooklyn Film Festival may use segments of any length from any film submitted and accepted into the final lineup for promotional purposes.
Q: Is there a press lounge where you can schedule your interviews?
A: No, there will be no dedicated press lounge.
Q: Will there be red carpets for all films?
A: There will a red carpet for the opening night presentation and party. Throughout the festival, there will be a step and repeat for photo opportunities at our Windmill Studios venue.
Q: What is the official name of the festival?
A: Brooklyn Film Festival or BFF for short.
And for non-PR-related FAQs pertaining to Filmmakers, please follow the link below:
Many thanks for your consideration. We’re very excited to have you at BFF and look forward to meeting you all soon!
Best Regards,
Lisa King, PR Manager
Brooklyn Film Festival